Vacation in Westerwolde

Westerwolde is the most beautiful area in Groningen that can still be discovered. Our beautiful Westerwolde which borders both Germany and Drenthe. It is an ideal place for hiking and cycling. There are also many restaurants and family outings to discover. Come and have a look at our beautiful Westerwolde.

Discover the surroundings

In the westerwolde area there is a lot of history, such as the castle near the picture Wedde. The battle of Boutange, which is played every year, is also worth a visit.


Eating out in Vlagtwedde

Eating out in Vlagtwedde? Atmospheric dining or a quick snack? view the overview.

Surroundings Westerwolde

A day out in Groningen? Want to be active, relax in nature and/or increase your knowledge of Dutch culture and history? Then come and experience Westerwolde!

Attractions / Out together!

From Westerwolde there are nice trips to make in the area. Doeinspiratie op for a fun day out in the area of Vlagtwedde.

Shops in Vlagtwedde

View an overview of shops that Vlagtwedde has to offer you, Think of a supermarket or a fishing specialty store